Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I wanna spill the beans!!

I have this itsy, bitsy, tiny, little secret that I am just dying to tell my family, but I can't:(
& The.wait.is.killing.me.
  Ok, not killing me, but it's hard to keep such exciting news to yourself. The news I'm speaking of is our ENGAGEMENT!!!
We don't live really close to my family. I moved to Northern Kentucky from Dayton, OH after Creag & I had been dating a year, so it's not like I can jump in the car & be at my parents in 5 minutes to share this exciting, new tid-bit of information. Man-o-man do I wish I could! My mother is going to freak when she realizes this happened on Tuesday & she didn't find out until Friday.
I just don't really think it's as personal to find something like this out over text message or a phone call, so I'm trying to hold off on telling my parents about the engagement in person. Lemme just say it's sooooooo hard!! I've almost dialed my Mom's number more than once, & I've had a picture of my ring on my phone & ready to send over in a text.
I've contained myself, thus far, with only 2 more days to go. Luckily, we were already planning on going over to their house on Friday to celebrate my Dad's birthday. I plan on just waiting to see how long it takes her & my Dad to figure it out!  We're planning on telling Creag's family on Saturday when they're all over for our 2nd annual sea food boil for mardi-gra!  (pictures to come) 

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