Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hank's 1st Vision Exam

In Kentucky, before the end of the Kindergarten school year it is state mandated that you have to get your child's vision tested by an Optometrist.  The vision screening that you get with your yearly school physical just doesn't cut it.  This really is something that I never considered doing with Skylar, Hank, or Wyatt.  I figured that if they weren't complaining then all must be OK.
Well after this appointment, I learned that I was wrong!
After much procrastination, I finally scheduled the appointment & took him to the Dr. last week.
First, they just took some routine pictures of his eyes.

He was very cooperative & held as still as possible throughout the whole process.

After that, they sent him to the patient room to wait for the Dr.

When the Dr. came in, she had him read a few lines off of the chart.  He didn't do too well getting the letters right, & I started to get a little concerned.  I actually started feeling guilty for not taking him sooner.  It's those moments when you feel like you haven't done enough to prevent this stuff from happening.  What if it was my fault.  Should I have caught it sooner?  If he needed glasses & has gone without, are his eyes even worse because I didn't catch it & have him in glasses?  This was the stuff that was running through my mind.  I guess I should've given myself a little credit for taking him, but I was feeling pretty bad that I hadn't taken him sooner at this point.
The Dr. asked me if it would be OK to dilate his eyes, & I agreed to let her.  She said that she could tell that he had a astigmatism & something else going on & dilating his eyes would help her identify exactly what it was.  Of course I agreed.  She put the drops in, & sent us back to the waiting room for about 15 minutes to give his eyes the time they needed to dilate.  When his eyes were finally dilated, she called us back & checked his eyes again.  She looked a lot closer at his eyes, did a 3D vision exam, & had him read a few more lines off of the chart.  Again he read half of them incorrect.  At this point, I was sure that we were going to walk out of there with glasses.  When the test was done, she told us that his eyes definitely aren't where they should be, but aren't bad enough for glasses yet.  WHAT A RELIEF!  She said he's farsighted, & has a astigmatism which causes blurriness-why he can't read the letters from far away. 
She said it'd be fine to have him come back in a year.  Before that, I'm going to get Skylar in & have her eyes checked.  I'm terrified to see how she'll do after this appointment.  Hopefully next year, his vision hasn't gotten any worse & they send him home in these again!
Pretty sweet shades right?!
He told me that I better not put this on FaceBook.  He said nothing about my blog;)

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