Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Blue Ribbon 5K

Last Saturday, the whole Fam-damily participated in the Blue Ribbon 5K Race near our house.
Now when I say the whole family participated, I mean they participated in some way.
The kids didn't run the 5K. They're not ready for that just yet.
They had a kids race, before the 5K in the parking lot.
That's a little more their style...

Their race started at about 9:15.
I don't know if you can tell, but it was REALLY cold that morning.
Not gonna lie, there was some whining but they fought through it.
Their race was pretty simple.
They got a ready-set-GO & they were off.....
I was pretty surprised & proud when Skylar WON the race!
I think they'll be up for a more challenging race in the near future.

We were very proud of all of them & they had a lot of fun.
That's ultimately what matters the most, right?
After their run, they had daycare available for parents who wanted to run the 5K which was awesome!  Creag & I wouldn't have both been able to run if they hadn't have had this service available.  They had games & prizes for the kids to win, so I wasn't really worried about how they'd do with us gone for about a half hr. 
While a 5K is nothing to Creag.
(He's busy training for his 2nd Half Marathon.)
It's a pretty big deal to me. 
This was only my second time running a 5K & I hadn't trained at all this time!
I'm not too, too motivated on the running front so I was a little worried about being able to finish.
My first 5K, I ran with Creag & he stayed by my side the entire race.
We finished it in 36 minutes flat & I ran the entire time.
This time, I wanted to run it on my own.
I didn't want to worry about slowing Creag down, or trying to keep up with him if I was tired.
I wanted to walk if I wanted.  It was all about running it at MY pace.
He was pretty shocked when I told him he didn't have to run it with me.
I wanted to do this one on my own.  And I did!!
I even finished with better time than my first 5K.  And I walked quite a bit.
I finished at 34:57!!  I was pretty happy with myself, & now I'm considering a 10K.
Creag finished way earlier than I did, which I knew he would. 
He finished 11th place out of 200 & something people! 
I am soooo proud of him for how far he's come with running.  He just started a year ago in April & absolutely loves it.  He'll be running his 2nd Half Marathon this Sunday & he's hoping to finish it in under 2 hrs.  I wish him the best of luck, but I think that he's being wayyyy to hard on himself after just having knee surgery a few months ago.  I guess that's just the concerned wife in me! 

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