Monday, February 25, 2013

February 25, 2013

The weekend was a lot of fun!  I wish I could say that I'm refreshed on this Monday morning from lots of relaxation, but we had quite a few fun things planned so I won't complain.  Friday night, I met Amy for appetizers & drinks at Champps off of Union Center Blvd.  Hate to say it, but Amy was an hour late so I was forced to sit at the table alone for close to an hour.  This is one of the things that I absolutely hate.  I always feel like such a dork!  Luckily, while I was waiting, Creag called so I just talked to him on the phone for a few before he went out with Mike.  After we hung up, I ordered a few of the $5.00 apps & a beer.  After dinner, we headed across the street to the theatre to see the movie Safe Haven.  It was a great movie with a very surprising twist at the end. 

Creag texted me a picture of his dinner from Terry's Turf.  JEALOUS!
After the movie, we did a little shopping at Meier.  They had so many great deals going on.  I got a few shirts, a pair of shoes, slippers, a purse, watch & a picture for my office for under $100.00.  I don't shop for myself often so I was a pretty happy camper when we left.  I can't wait to get this picture hung up in my office.  I've had my eyes open for a good motivational print for awhile so when I saw this one for under $20.00 I had to buy it.
After wearing ourselves out shopping, we called it a night.  I met Creag back at home a little after midnight & he had stopped to get us a sundae from UDF.  A great surprise & a perfect ending to the night.

I'll be back tomorrow to talk about the rest of our weekend.  It was so much fun & I have way to many pictures to fit them all into one post!

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