Friday, February 21, 2014

February 21,2014

Skylar Lately
I can't believe that my first born is in her last year of Elementary School!  It's insane how fast she is growing & how much her personality & looks change on a monthly basis.  I can only say that I really hope to enjoy the next few years with her because before I know it, she'll be off to college!
She had an all day field-trip to Frankfort Kentucky to visit the State Capital.  She was shocked when she saw the sizes of the busses there to transport them.  I was a little sad to see her go, even if it was only from 8-5.
She had D.A.R.E. at school this year & Creag & I were lucky enough to see her Graduate!  She really enjoyed it & I hope she keeps what she's learned in the back of her mind as the Peer Pressure of Drugs and Alcohol start in Jr. High & High School.
She played Basketball for the first time through school this fall/winter.  She improved weekly & has decided that this is her new "sport" that she wants to play along w/ gymnastics & cheer.  We'll see how long it lasts!  She tends to change her mind a lot, which is okay but we've told her that it's time to choose what she wants to play & stick with it.  We were disappointed that she didn't choose Soccer because I think that best suits her, but it's her choice & we have to support it.  If she finds just one thing that she's passionate about & really, really loves, we'll be happy.  She's also the perfect mix of athlete and girly-girl.  She wore make-up to her first Basketball Game.  Girlfriend cracks me up!

Since she's decided to pursue Cheer, she's started Private Gymnastics Lessons 3 times a week to catch up with the other girls that she'll be trying out against in Middle School.  I hope she catches on quick & wish her the best of luck.  She's a little nervous about the try-out process, but I think she'll do fine!

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