Thursday, May 30, 2013

May 30, 2013

Preschool Graduation
Last Friday, Wyatt had Round One of his Preschool Graduations.  I say round One because we decided instead of sending him on to Kindergarten, that it'd be best for him to go through another year of Preschool.  He won't be 5 until September, we think it's probably best to wait.  I want him to be as ready as he can be before he starts the big K. 
The Graduation Ceremony was adorable, and I'm not going to lie, as soon as the kids walked into the Gym doing the Graduation March, I was fighting back tears!  I think with him being the baby of the family, these milestones are REALLY getting to me.  He's growing up fast, and unfortunately, I can't slow him down.  After they walked in, they went as a group and sat on a rug where they played us a slide show of the school year.  Wyatt kept looking over to Creag & I and just smiled so big.  He was so glad that we were there and we wouldn't have missed it for the world! 
After the slide show, the older class went to sit in a different area and Wyatt's class went through their typical school day for us.  They did the Pledge Of Allegiance, the Calendar & then they sang a few songs.  The Days of the Week and a song about the Months of the Year.  Wyatt's shy in front of an audience, so it surprised me that he sang along.  He stood there with his hands in his pockets & looked like such a little man:)
After their songs, it was time for them to get their diplomas!!!  With his hands still in his pockets, he walked over to his teacher to get his diploma.  I was so proud and again, fighting back tears!  He gave his teacher a shy little hug & then walked back over to his spot.
After that, his group took the spot where the big kids were sitting.  It was their turn to do their songs and get their diplomas.  At the end, all of the kids got together and did a dance together called the Tooty Tot.  It was hilarious!  At the conclusion of the Graduation, we had lunch together in the gym & then the kids swam for a bit.  I stuck around while he swam with his friends and then we got everything together to head home for the afternoon, just me & my graduate!

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