Monday, April 1, 2013

March 31, 2013

I tried to write this post last night, on Easter, but I was so exhausted that I decided to skip it and do it this morning.  Yesterday was nothing short of amazing.  We spent the day at home surrounded by the people closest to us, our family.  We chowed down on great food and yummy dessert, and watched college basketball all afternoon and into the evening.


We provided the ham & Creag made his specialty Goat Cheese Mashed Potatoes and everyone brought a side.  We ended up with a delicious meal and it didn't take too much work at all which we love!  It leaves much more time for relaxing and enjoying the day.  I was able to break out my Grandmothers cake pan and whip up an amazing 3 Layer Banana Cake, that everyone really enjoyed.  I had a request from Michael to make it an Easter Tradition, so Tradition it has become!  I'll try to post the recipe soon:)   The food left some of us pretty sleepy and the dessert made some of us a little goofy!
We're going to be out of town for our Niece Ellery's Birthday party this weekend, so I made her an early Birthday cake so the kids could sing Happy Birthday to her and we could give her her gift.  I hate that we'll miss her party, but can't say that I'm not looking forward to vacation.  These little milestones & events are very important to me, and I don't like to miss them so making her a cake was not a big deal to me at all.  I loved putting the work into it!  I had told her about the cake the previous weekend while we were at her house for brunch for Mica's birthday, but I think she had forgotten so she was a little confused when we were all singing to her.  She warmed up when she got to open her gift though:)
After the kids had cake, my brother hid the eggs and then we had an egg hunt.  We let the younger kids go first and then the big kids joined in.
It's very real to look at these group pictures and see how quickly these kiddos are growing up! We love them all so much and hopefully the traditions that we're setting now, will continue on, year after year. But even if they don't, or they change, or new ones are added, one thing will remain the same, the people who surround us on these holidays, our family!


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